понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

command and conquer retaliation cheats

There was so much shit that came out.

The judge closed the courtroom and told everyone there to leave, because of the pictures. He had to tell us to come back that afternoon and called a recess in the middle of our hearing. Then, he straight fucking CHASTISED M her mom and told Michelle "I dontapos; ever want to see this [the pictures] again. Like the father said, youapos;re an adult, but for your sons sake donapos;t even consider this And keep him out of it In some respects youapos;re like 14 and in others your 40.....and grandmother [susan], I hope you will eventually get on with your own life." M is not deemed fit for unsupervised visitation without Susan there.

We dontapos; have a judgement yet. The judge said it could be tomorrow, it could be the end of the week, or it could be in two weeks. He might give her Halloween, he might not. He might not even grant her unsupervised visitation - I donapos;t think that will happen, though. I think sheapos;ll get unsupervised but it wonapos;t be the way she wants it. And he did agree to put in place a restraining order to the effect that she was NOT allowed to have ANYONE else but herself and her mother in her apartment on the days/nights that she has Tres.

Weapos;ll see what happens.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aws welding inspector

Dear Journal,


its true that i got aggravated with leslie bcuz I WAZ jhapos;s date and she didnt seem 2 realize that i wanted 2 sit next 2 him and that she really shuldnt b flirting so much. That kinda hurt my feelings, but i am being mature about it, bcuz its 1 of the philosophies that i try 2 live by, "dont ever get mad at ur friends over sumthing stupid"

well, at 1 point during the dance jh slow-danced with her, but it ok cuz i slow-danced with micheal. Afterwards, though, jh asked me where i had gone, and i told him i waz dancing with sum1 else, and he didnt like that very much. But anyway.

i will complain just a little bit mor, if u dont mind. Leslie also kept telling jh "i love u" and "ur sooooooo cute" and "u know thats y u love me".� but, that iz just the wrong thing 2 do u know y???? cuz the other day i found 1 of my magizines where they interviewed the jonas bros and they give advice about how 2 approach guys, and they specifically state, "donapos;t use the word love 2 loosely, we guys might know that we r in love, but we dont just throw it out there, and its akward when a girl constantly tells u." hahahahahaha, i hav been prepared.

anyway, jonathan waz so sweet. He kept worrying if he waz stepping on my feet and if i waz having a good time.

did i mention that i tried sushi?????? it waz disgusting, but i swallowed it and jonathan said he waz proud of me. We were going 2 go walk around gold rush, but he had 2 do house work 2day.

and b4 he left, i waz sitting by the fire, and he came up 2 me and said, "dont i get a hug???" so i hug him and he says, "hav i ever told u that u smell really good???"

*gasps and faints*

anyway, i luv him so much, but i am going 2 wait til a special time 2 tell him that i do.

and yes, kathleen i am done now.

haha, signing off........

-a very VERY VERY happy girl

P.S. I waz depressed earlier but i think that that waz just stupid horomones, cuz im fine now.

P.P.S. I luv u jonathan, no matter wat u do.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ew lane

In my previous blog somebody thought that I was directing my rant at her. That simply was not the case. I have met many people in her situation that forget about the good things that they have while focusing on what they donapos;t have. It shows ingratitude for their life, and what they have in life. Quite frankly, I find it disgusting. When I saw this personapos;s tweets on her birthday bemoaning what she didnapos;t have it became the proverbial straw that broke the camelapos;s back. All I did was give words to the camelapos;s groans.
It was brought to my attention that my rant communicated "Hereapos;s what youapos;re doing wrong. Otherapos;s have it worse than you. Get over yourself." Going back over the blog, I can see that. My intent was to write a stern blog that communicated "Whatapos;s your fucking problem? You have so much to be thankful for, and you spend your time whining about what you donapos;t have." And the You was not aimed at any specific group of people or person. It was directed at those who have an ungrateful attitude. It was also something that I said to myself when I joined my dad on his journey with cancer.
You see, I was that ungrateful person who kicked and screamed, swore and yell over the things that I did not have in my relationships, in my material goods, and in my living situation. I became really down when I got laid off from my job in construction, and spent four months looking for a job until I finally got one. Whenever I went through the bad things because of my life or because of my rash choices, I never bothered to consider what good things I had. I never noticed.
I still get down every now and again. It has happened more frequently since I asked Carrie if she would be my wife, and she said yes. I see all the struggles that weapos;re going through right now, and I get down on myself and my bad choices. If I hadnapos;t lived my life like I was going to die before thirty -and I did- this wouldnapos;t be happening now. I begin to wallow, and I begin to forget that if I hadnapos;t made all those wrong turns in my life, I never would have met Carrie. There are other good things that have happened, and that have been used to wake me up and make better decisions, but Carrie is the best one.
However, when I get into that funk, I go talk to my dad. It isnapos;t about comparing struggles, and I am shamed to the point of getting over myself. Itapos;s about him finding peace, contentment, and joy while sitting on Deathapos;s front porch. When he shares with me the little things that he his thankful for, I ask myself "While heapos;s dying, he has so much gratitude for his life and what he has left, and you canapos;t find anything whatsoever in your life that makes you thankful for it? What the hell is your problem?"
That was the point of what I was writing then, and it is most certainly the point what I am writing now. I am sharing with whoever reads this the stern words I gave to myself to get over myself. With all the difficulties, the stresses, and the tragedies, life is still good. I have a few core friends(roots as the great philosopher madea would call them)that are there even in the bad times to give encouragement, and the necessary kick in the ass. Carrie is in my life. I have good books that I never tire of reading. I have movies that I never tire of watching. I enjoy good food. I enjoy good beer. I enjoy good whiskey. I enjoy watching cubs/sox baseball, and notre dame football with my dad. I enjoy debating theology with my dad.I enjoy being a guy with my dad(well when momapos;s not around. She tends to express her displeasure with the both of us a with a right cross). I get to spend my life with Carrie. There are many more things I could list, but I think they are enough. I am thankful for what I have. What I donapos;t have will work out on itapos;s own, and I may get them. Until then, I am thankful.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Hello everyone Iapos;m looking for some advice on where to get the bumper on my car fixed/replaced (if necessary). I took it to the replace recommended by my dealership and (of course) the estimate was ridiculous (over $700).

Iapos;m looking for a place that will do a good job for a reasonable price and is in South Austin area. I think the dent could be popped out but, I donapos;t know a lot about auto body repair. If it makes any difference, I drive a Mazda 3.


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-�Est�s mejor? -
-�S� s�.�Ya no tengo fiebre, y me encuentro mucho mejor. - Petirrojo me sonri� desde su nido de mantas.
- Me alegro. En unos d�as m�s estar�s en pie.
- Y t� te marchar�s. - No hab�a dejado de sonre�r, aunque not� un atisbo de tristeza.
- Si quieres, - le dije, equivocando el motivo de esa pena intuida- puedo esperar unos d�as m�s y as� vienes conmigo.
- No, no te preocupes. Te retrasar�a meses. As� no voy a poder moverme de Thorne en un par de meses.
- No exageres, Petirrojo. Ahora me dir�s que vas a repartir tus bienes, como la princesa del cuento, que esperaba al�Rey Fr�o pero se llev� un chasco.- La mir� de reojo, intentando hacer que riese. No lo consegu�.�Petirrojo s�lo neg� con la cabeza, con un gesto desmayado. Luego entrabri� la boca, como para decir algo, pero la cerr� bruscamente. Pod�a mirar sus ojos y averiguar qu� es lo que pensaba, pero no me resultaba f�cil ni me gustaba hacerlo con ella. No desde el�D�dalo.
-�Di. Lo que sea. Lo que te est� preocupando. Dilo.�Se har� m�s peque�o, si lo dices.
-�Eso dice siempre Cail�n, �no es verdad?�Precisamente me acordaba de ella.
- �De Caill�n?��Y�por qu� te acordabas de ella?

La vi hacer un gesto calcado a uno de Evan. Un gesto de aceptaci�n y valent�a, aunque en Evan era orgulloso y casi altivo, y en ella de humildad y derrota.

- �Sabes la canci�n esa que le gusta tanto?�La que cant� cuando se cas� Num.
-�S�claro, es una canci�n muy bonita. Un poco triste, pero muy bonita. Creo que viene de Sgorr, aunque, �a saber, esas canciones de los caminos son m�s antiguas que las Diez Torres.�Pero, dime, �por qu� te acordabas de ella y sus canciones?
- Es una tonter�a, pero la escuchaba con la fiebre. Y...
- �Y? - Mir� como le temblaba la barbilla y como ten�a los ojos bajos, reteniendo las l�grimas.
- Y que s� que nadie sentir� eso por m�.

No pude responder. No sabiendo que ella ten�a los restos del espejo de Alba.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving Iapos;m not a huge turkey eater so mine was alright. Vegetables and potatoes all the way

Some people return from a weekend like the past one and think about the food they ate. (then they go to the gym) Some people think about the valuable time that they spent with their family, Some think about parties, friends, certain events that happened. Well this year, everybody in my family returned to their regular lives after the weekend with one thought in their head. That thought is about a WEDDING

My cousin got engaged over the weekend and the whole family is excited for different reasons. My cousin and the boy, because theyapos;re getting married, her daddy because he gets to get rid of her (kidding...kinda), his friends because the bachelor party is going to be rediculous. Her friends because girls and weddings are weird... Its amazing.

So I guess this is leading me to my question...
Are weddings a fun thing for you? Do you like them? If so, whatapos; your favourite part?

Mine is for sure the

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enfield rifle conversion

Hey guys ok just one more :)

i have a pet microchip question for you guys.

i already have a vet that i LOVE. The only problem is they use the home again chip system and that system requires an annual fee to keep the chip active.

i would really like to find a vet that uses the Avid system but just for the purpose of microchiping my puppy not for vet services.

so do any of you work in a vet office that uses the Avid system? or are any of you customers of a vet that has microchipped your animal with the Avid system? i would really appreciate any info anyone might be able to give.

thanks again :D
enfield rifle conversion, enfield rifle for sale.