понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

command and conquer retaliation cheats

There was so much shit that came out.

The judge closed the courtroom and told everyone there to leave, because of the pictures. He had to tell us to come back that afternoon and called a recess in the middle of our hearing. Then, he straight fucking CHASTISED M her mom and told Michelle "I dontapos; ever want to see this [the pictures] again. Like the father said, youapos;re an adult, but for your sons sake donapos;t even consider this And keep him out of it In some respects youapos;re like 14 and in others your 40.....and grandmother [susan], I hope you will eventually get on with your own life." M is not deemed fit for unsupervised visitation without Susan there.

We dontapos; have a judgement yet. The judge said it could be tomorrow, it could be the end of the week, or it could be in two weeks. He might give her Halloween, he might not. He might not even grant her unsupervised visitation - I donapos;t think that will happen, though. I think sheapos;ll get unsupervised but it wonapos;t be the way she wants it. And he did agree to put in place a restraining order to the effect that she was NOT allowed to have ANYONE else but herself and her mother in her apartment on the days/nights that she has Tres.

Weapos;ll see what happens.

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